

想不想擁有重金屬天團閃靈(ChthoniC)「高砂軍」(Takasago Army)全團成員親筆簽名專輯CD加上海報!不管你是喜歡他們的音樂,還是愛上他們的想法與風格,亦或想買下來等著增值,也或者你只是單純想透過支持義賣,讓李江却基金會及台語文運動更有氣力!都歡迎你即刻行動,到以下拍賣網址,參與競標!!!



有想beh ài第一流ê重金屬樂團閃靈(ChthoniC)「高砂軍」(Takasago Army)全團成員親筆簽名ê專輯參phóo-sū-tah--無?M̄管你是kah意in ê音樂,ia̍h是去hōo in ê想法kap與風格saⁿh--著,ia̍h是按算買來等伊起價,mā凡勢你kan-taⁿ是beh支持義賣,hōo李江却基金會kiau台語文運動koh-khah有氣力!Gún lóng歡迎你即時行動,到下跤ê拍賣網址,參加競標!!!

閃靈樂團(ChthoniC)為著beh支持李江却基金會ê事工,特別提供限量親筆簽名CD kap phóo-sū-tah(高砂軍)來做義賣,歡迎逐家做伙來!Tàu轉貼宣傳!設使你有熟似閃靈ê fans,tio̍h趕緊kā in講tsit號像天跋落月ê好消息,因為tsit款好mi̍h m̄是tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ有喔!!!


Have you ever dreamed to own ChthoniC's lastest album Takasago Army and its poster with the signatures of all the members of the band on them? Now you can make your dream come true!!!

In order to support the works of the Li-kang Khioh Foundation, ChthoniC provides the Foundation with several sets of the Album with its poster (signatures of its members on them) for bids. Come and grab a set (or more)! If you know any fans of ChthoniC, surely this is a must tell news!!!
